IFA Personal Trainer & Group Fitness Instructor Certification Exam

Purpose: This exam is for certification as a Personal Trainer & Group Fitness Instructor with endorsements for Step, Kickboxing and Weight Training

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Group Fitness Instructor Certification Exam

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1. Cardiac Output is the volume of blood pumped by each ventricle in one minute.
True   False
2.Stroke volume is the volume of blood in the extremities.
True   False
3.Vital Capacity is the greatest volume of air that can be forcibly expired in one breath.
True   False
4.The Valsalva Maneuver can increase blood pressure to extremely high and dangerous levels.
True   False
5.An Artery is a blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart to the body.
True   False
6.Systolic pressure is the vascular pressure created during the contraction of the left ventricle.
True   False
7.Diastolic pressure is the vascular pressure created during the pulmonary resting phase.
True   False
8.Arteriosclerosis the hardening and obstruction of the exterior arterial wall.
True   False
9.Caffeine has the effect of stimulating the cardiovascular response.
True   False
10.Hyperventilation is characterized by slow and shallow breathing.
True   False
11.Raising the arms overhead during exercise increases the heart rate.
True   False
12.Abruptly stopping intense exercise causes blood to pool in the lower extremities.
True   False
13.The two anatomical sites for checking heart rate are the carotid artery and posterior wrist.
True   False
14.Aerobic exercise increases cardiovascular output.
True   False
15.Resting Heart Rate (RHR) is determined immediately before exercise.
True   False


16.Anaerobic exercise utilizes oxygen for energy production.
True   False
17.Aerobic exercise can utilize carbohydrate, protein and fat for energy production.
True   False
18.Muscles require Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) for both aerobic and anaerobic activity.
True   False
19.Anaerobic exercise can utilize only carbohydrates for energy production.
True   False
20.Anaerobic energy production provides high power for a short duration.
True   False
21.Aerobic energy production provides low to moderate power for a long duration.
True   False
22.Anaerobic threshold is the point at which aerobic oxygen demands exceed capability.
True   False
23.Aerobic Capacity is the ability of the body to process carbohydrates for exercise.
True   False
24.Lactic acid and heat are the by-products of aerobic exercise.
True   False
25.Carbon dioxide, heat and water are the by-products of aerobic exercise.
True   False
26.Glycogen is a form of glucose stored in the muscles and liver for exercise.
True   False
27.Triglycerides are a form of fatty acids stored in adipose tissue for energy.
True   False
28.Glucose is a simple sugar carried in the blood for long-term energy.
True   False
29.Fast twitch muscles are for explosive type movements and are easily fatigued.
True   False
30.Slow twitch muscles are for high power type activities.
True   False


31.Tendons connect bone to bone.
True   False
32.Ligaments attach muscle to bone.
True   False
33.An inflamed tendon is called tendonitis.
True   False
34.The Frontal plane divides the body from front to back.
True   False
35.The Sagittal plane divides the body from front to back.
True   False
36.The Horizontal plane divides the body from upper to lower.
True   False
37.Anterior refers to the anatomical rear.
True   False
38.The Prone position refers to face down.
True   False
39.Isometric contraction means constant tension with no increase in muscle length.
True   False
40.Isotonic contraction means constant muscle tension at a varying length.
True   False
41.Isokinetic contraction means both varying muscle tension and length.
True   False
42.Agonist muscle group refers to the prime mover.
True   False
43.The Antagonist muscle to the Biceps is the Deltoids.
True   False
44.The Antagonist muscle to the Quadriceps is the Hamstrings. .
True   False
45.The Antagonist muscle to the Rectus Abdominis is the Erector Spinae.
True   False
46.A sprain is the stretching or tearing of a tendon.
True   False
47.A strain is a muscle injury.
True   False
48.Extension is defined as an increasing joint angle.
True   False
49.Abduction is defined as movement away from the body centerline.
True   False


50.Fitness Level improvement is determined by Aerobic Frequency, Intensity and Duration.
True   False
51.Recommended Aerobic Frequency is 3 to 5 days a week.
True   False
52.During the first 15 minutes of aerobic exercise only stored glycogen is utilized for energy.
True   False
53.Recovery heart rate should be below 120 bpm after 2 to 5 minutes after exercise stops.
True   False
54.Recommended music tempo for Step and cool-down is 122 to 128 bpm.
True   False
55.Recommended music tempo for warm-up is 120 to 134 bpm.
True   False
56.Moves that require stepping forward off the step is not recommended.
True   False
57.Power moves should be limited to a duration of 5 minutes.
True   False
58.Repeater moves should be limited to no more than 1 at a time.
True   False
59.Hanging the heels off the board can strain the Achilles Tendon.
True   False
60.Heels should be kept off the floor during stretches and lunges.
True   False
61.A 25 square foot area is recommended for each step participant.
True   False
62.For an experienced class, heart rate should be checked every 15 to 20 minutes.
True   False
63.Warm-up should always precede stretching exercises.
True   False
64.Sprains are treated with Rest, Ice (for 20 min/every 2 hrs), Compression and Emergency Response.
True   False
65.One of the benefits of aerobic exercise is increased flexibility.
True   False
66.Beginner target heart rates should be 60% to 70% of maximum.
True   False
67.During class, only one move should be changed at a time.
True   False
68.Aerobic training develops muscles for power.
True   False


69.Weight training develops muscles for endurance.
True   False
70.Circuit training provides a significant increase in cardiovascular endurance.
True   False
71.The role of a spotter/trainer is to insure safe lifting and proper form.
True   False
72.Jerking weights can damage muscles and connective tissue.
True   False
73.Proper body alignment prevents injury and isolates muscles to be targeted.
True   False
74.1RM is the maximum weight that can be lifted once.
True   False
75.3 to 4 sets and 6 - 8 repetitions are recommended for building at the fastest rate.
True   False
76.Maximum muscle building is achieved by 6 to 8 repetitions at 85% to 90% of 1RM.
True   False
77.Warm-up exercises provide increased blood oxygen levels and warm the muscles.
True   False
78.Rest periods between sets for medium weight training should be 1 minute.
True   False
79.Specific muscle groups should be trained a minimum of 3 times per week.
True   False

Match the Exercise to the Muscle Group:

80.Pushup, Bench Press
  1. Pectorals, Triceps, Anterior Deltoids

  2. Quadriceps

  3. Hamstrings
81.Pec Deck, Flye
  1. Pectorals, Triceps, Anterior Deltoids

  2. Pectorals, Anterior Deltoids

  3. Hamstrings
  1. Pectorals, Triceps, Anterior Deltoids

  2. Biceps, Rhomboids

  3. Trapezius
  1. Medial Deltoid

  2. Biceps, Rhomboids

  3. Trapezius
84.Back Extension
  1. Medial Deltoid

  2. Erector Spinae

  3. Trapezius
85.Seated Row
  1. Erector Spinae, Latissimus Dorsi, Biceps

  2. Latissimus Dorsi, Biceps

  3. Trapezius
86.Lateral Pull Down
  1. Erector Spinae, Latissimus Dorsi, Biceps

  2. Biceps

  3. Latissimus Dorsi, Biceps
87.Lateral Raise
  1. Anterior Deltoid, Pectorals

  2. Anterior/Medial Deltoid

  3. Forearms
88.Front Raise
  1. Triceps

  2. Anterior/Posterior Deltoids

  3. Biceps
89.Biceps Curl
  1. Triceps

  2. Medial Deltoid

  3. Biceps
90.Wrist Curl
  1. Triceps

  2. Forearm

  3. Gastrocnemius, Soleus
91.Triceps Kickback
  1. Triceps

  2. Triceps, Anterior Deltoid

  3. Biceps
92.Squat, Lunge, Leg Press
  1. Adductor, Inner Thigh

  2. Hamstring

  3. Gluteus Maximus, Quadricep, Hamstring
93.Calf Raise
  1. Gastrocnemius, Soleus

  2. Hamstring

  3. Quadricep, Hamstring
94.Hip Extension
  1. Adductor, Inner Thigh

  2. Abductor, Outer Thigh

  3. Gluteus Maximus
95.Hip Abduction
  1. Adductor, Inner Thigh

  2. Abductor, Outer Thigh

  3. Gluteus Maximus, Quadricep, Hamstring
96.Hip Adduction
  1. Adductor, Inner Thigh

  2. Abductor, Outer Thigh

  3. Gluteus Maximus, Quadricep, Hamstring
97.Leg Curl
  1. Quadricep

  2. Abductor, Outer Thigh

  3. Hamstring
98.Upper/Lower Crunch
  1. Erector Spinae

  2. Upper/Lower Abdomen

  3. Outer Oblique
99.Side Crunch
  1. Outer Obliques

  2. Abductor, Outer Thigh

  3. Upper Abdominal
100.Leg Extension
  1. Quadricep

  2. Gastrocnemius

  3. Gluteus Maximus
Q. Where did you hear about IFA?
  1. Bing

  2. Google

  3. Yahoo

  4. Facebook

  5. Twitter

  6. Instagram

  7. Other  


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